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We will make a joyful noise at and much more.

A joyful noise is not merely noise for its own sake. Our world is filled with noise, much of it harmful or distracting. A joyful noise is a bold declaration of God’s glorious name and nature, with shouts, clapping, and other outward expressions of praise. A joyful noise often includes music, such as singing, playing instruments, and dancing (Psalm 95:1; 98:6; 149:3; 1 Chronicles 15:28). While there is a time for quiet reverence in the presence of the Lord (Psalm 5:7; 95:6), God also delights in our outward displays of joyful abandon as we worship Him with all we have. Scripture is filled with examples of God’s servants praising Him in a variety of ways, many of them noisy and active. David danced (2 Samuel 6:14); Miriam played the tambourine, singing and dancing (Exodus 15:20–21); the children of Israel shouted and sang (2 Chronicles 15:14); Solomon lifted hands before all the people (1 Kings 8:22); Paul and Silas sang loudly in jail (Acts 16:25); and Jesus was welcomed into Jerusalem with loud shouts of joy (John 12:13).

Often what we term “reverence” is merely “fear of man.” Self-centered reserve is usually the motivation that keeps us from singing aloud, dancing for joy, or lifting hands in worship when it is appropriate to do so. We fear that we might be seen as undignified or fanatical. At those times, we are rejecting the opportunity to make a joyful noise unto the Lord. Rather than focus on praising God, our focus is “What will people think?” Others excuse their lack of joyful noise-making by claiming it is not their personality style. However, most of the people who refuse to make a joyful noise unto the Lord think nothing of shouting, clapping, and cheering at their favorite sporting event or music concert. For reasons not found in Scripture, many churches have adopted a somber, funeral-like atmosphere that squelches any expression of joy. While corporate worship services should always be “done decently and in order” (1 Corinthians 14:40), they should never stifle the joyful expression of praise brought before the Lord by His people. When the fear of man either prompts or stymies any type of outward expression, we are not doing “all for the glory of God” (1 Corinthians 10:31).

This is a great way to promote your joyful crations and stand out of the crowd.
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